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The Würth Group is the global market leader in the development, production, and sale of assembly and fastening materials with over 400 companies with more than 2,500 pick-up shops in 80 countries.

The Würth Construction division aims to supply customers in the building and civil engineering industry and the finishing trades across the globe at the regional, national, and international level with standardized and customized high-end products and services, focusing on construction companies, technical building equipment, roof and wood construction customers, finishing and facade specialists, and direct supplies to construction sites. Customized service and logistics solutions are also provided, such as equipped material stores directly at the construction site.

Adhering to the Würth German Construction business model, Würth China Construction is widely involved in various new construction build and reconstruction projects in different industries, such as C&R façade, industrial plant facilities, rail transit, road& bridge tunnels, airport construction, digital infrastructure, energy facilities, marine engineering, petroleum& petrochemical, and trade.

With the Combining of Würth Group's global product portfolio and product development tailored to local Chinese market demands, Würth China Construction provides customers with products, design services, and solutions that cover building anchoring, electromechanical installation, construction chemicals, construction tools, and labor protection appliance. Würth China Construction, headquartered in Shanghai, has nationwide sales and technical support teams. The company is committed to becoming a leader in China's construction materials market.



Metro & Railway




Data Center



Anchoring Systems

We provide a full range of anchors from chemical to mechanical, offering safe and reliable anchoring solutions for various subfields in construction engineering.

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We provide a range of support and suspension system components for the mechanical and electrical installation industry, from standard to heavy-duty types, and from general-purpose finished products to seismic series. We offer design services and system integration to ensure safety and achieve the best cost-performance ratio for our customers.

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meister handtools
meister Brand

The meister brand, with a century of history under the Würth Group, adheres to the philosophy of providing the most suitable products for everyone. It has entered China to serve the local market, offering both standard and customized tools to customers.

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Anchor Channel

We not only offer a variety of channel-type anchor channels and matching bolts but also commit to providing customers with customization and design support services for special specifications, to meet the unique needs of different construction projects.

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Panel Undercut

We provide a variety of back anchors and matching installation accessories for the installation of architectural surface panels.

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Construction Chemicals

As experts in the field of technical chemistry, we also provide specialized chemical products for the construction industry.

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Contact us


Würth (Chongqing) Hardware & Tools Co., Ltd

7F, Building 9, Pujiang Hi-Tech Plaza, No. 2388 Chenhang Road, Minhang District, 201114, Shanghai, P.R. China

Tel: 021- 5029 7518